IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics

What will you be asked to write about in your IELTS Task 2 question?
There are hundreds of different questions that can be asked but we have created a list which gives you some broad topics to get you thinking about what you may be asked to write about. This list is based upon past IELTS tests.
Have a look at them and ask yourself: Do I have knowledge and experience about all of these broad topics? If your answer is 'no', then you have to do more reading (eg: Time Magazine, New Scientist, The Guardian).
Popular IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics:
- pollution problems, climate change, impact of pollution in cities.
- Click here for some actual questions.
- children, high school, university, the arts
- Click here for some actual questions.
social changes
- family roles, migration
- Click here for some actual questions.
- medicine, obesity, impact of fast food on society, immunisation, organic foods, is modern medicine making us healthier today?
- Click here for some actual questions.
- what's more important: enjoy your job or get lots of money, unemployment
- Click here for some actual questions.
- the Internet, impact: positive/negative?, use of ‘gadgets’, impact on health
- Click here for some actual questions.
- decision-making, developed vs developing countries
- Click here for some actual questions.
- immigration, movement of information, cultural impact of
- Click here for some actual questions.
crime & punishment
- juvenile crime, capital punishment, prevention of crime
- Click here for some actual questions.
sport & recreation
- money earned by athletes, doping/drugs in sport
- Click here for some actual questions.
A couple of topics you won't have to write about :
- religion (eg: is one religion better than another?)
- politics (eg: your political preference)
This video offers some valuable advice about Writing Task 2 as well