Re: IELTS Listening: Write down the numbers you hear
Re: where my answers are marked?Is it on the test centre or my answer sheets are sent somewhere else?
Are you referring to our course or to the IELTS test in general?
If you are wondering about how we mark tests from our course at www.scottsenglish.com, in our Practice Labs we offer ‘Band 9 answers’ for Writing and Speaking with full and detailed explanations of why these answers are Band 9. Students have commented that the explanations are very helpful in understanding how to formulate their responses.
For writing, each paragraph is explained in detail. A system for starting your essay is also provided in our Resource Library which our students have called ‘ingenious’ – it works every time! For speaking, students listen to Band 9 responses and can read why the answer is of Band 9 standard.
We give individual, written feedback on 1 x Task 1 & 1 x Task 2 for Premium subscribers or you can purchase feedback for $19.99 (1 x Task 1 & 1 x Task 2). For more information about our course, be sure to check out our YouTube video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61VnguC-ts0.
If you are referring to the actual IELTS test, all tests are marked at the test centre where the exam is taken. It takes about 2 weeks to get your results.
We trust this information is helpful
Re: I have done 2-3 spellings mistakes in ielts. Would it affect my score?
If you get the spelling of an answer wrong, you will be marked wrong.
Wrong spelling = no score

Re: answers in IELTS listening
Yes, you will get 10 minutes extra time to transfer your answers from the test booklet to the answer sheet.
All the best for your Listening test!
Re: Overview or Conclusion?
It doesn't matter where you put the summary. The key point is: you must have one. We believe that it makes most sense/is logical to put it at the end.
Hope this information is useful.
All the best for the big day!
Re: Request for remark?
The following links, we believe, will answer your questions:
1. Getting a test re-marked.
2. Entering wrong information on the IELTS Reading Answer sheet (True/False/Not Given).
Re: printing out practice test?
In order to simulate exam conditions, you may print out one copy of our tests for personal use. However, you cannot download or save them at all.
All the best for your IELTS test!
Re: How can I be successful with all the question types of IELTS reading?
We have a number of practice reading 'mini tests' in the 'Reading' section.
Do you know all the different IELTS reading question types? If not have a look here.
We just added a new question try this one.
Of course, if you want a lot of practice reading tests, you might consider enrolling at www.scottsenglish.com