English words and American words

As George Bernard Shaw (supposedly) said, "England and America are two countries separated by a common language."
Here are some word differences between the two languages.British English | American English |
angry | mad |
autumn | fall |
bin | garbage can |
bonnet (of a car) | hood |
boot (of a car) | trunk |
chemist’s | drug store |
cupboard | closet |
flat | apartment |
lift | elevator |
nappy | diaper |
pavement | sidewalk |
petrol | gas/gasoline |
rubbish | trash |
tap | faucet |
trousers | pants |
It is important to know that in everyday life the British understand Americans and Americans understand the British. The language is still English. We at Scott's English Success recommend that you choose one accent in English and use it, while at the same time realising that there are variations depending on where the English language is spoken.