TOEIC Vocabulary - Do you know these words?

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,298 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 2018 in TOEIC Test

There are vocabulary words which appear regularly on the TOEIC exam. Put the following 10 words in the correct sentences.


1. The office manager bought a new _____________ to replace the tattered old one.
2. Airplane tires must be made of natural _________________ because it is stronger than synthetic.
3. The __________________ at the company received a bonus after the quarterly results were released.
4. He is a ____________________ researcher in his field and is often invited to speak at conferences.
5. Their profits fell ___________________ when their primary product was recalled by the government.
6. She keeps a small secondary _____________________ in the mountains where she goes on vacation.
7. Keep this dossier handy, in case you need to ___________________ it during the examination.
8. What is the yearly ___________________ in Seattle? Is there a lot, or is it just the city's reputation?
9. After the office's _____________________, all of the employees were happy with the new space.
10. Each ________________ on the bus is expected to have a valid ticket.

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1. The office manager bought a new rug to replace the tattered old one.
2. Airplane tires must be made of natural rubber because it is stronger than synthetic.
3. The salespeople at the company received a bonus after the quarterly results were released.
4. He is a prominent researcher in his field and is often invited to speak at conferences.
5. Their profits fell sharply when their primary product was recalled by the government.
6. She keeps a small secondary residence in the mountains where she goes on vacation.
7. Keep this dossier handy, in case you need to retrieve it during the examination.
8. What is the yearly rainfall in Seattle? Is there a lot, or is it just the city's reputation?
9. After the office's relocation, all of the employees were happy with the new space.
10. Each rider on the bus is expected to have a valid ticket.

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