Best Wishes or Best wishes? Yours Sincerely or Yours sincerely?

in IELTS Test
In the IELTS General Training Module, you will need to write a letter.
It is important that you correctly end your letter. A lot of people choose the correct closing salutation, but many capitalise BOTH closing words.
When you’re finishing a letter (or e-mail) make sure you capitalise only the first one. This applies to formal and informal writing in both UK and US English. That means that the following are all written correctly:
- Yours sincerely
- Kind regards
- Best regards
- With love
- With best wishes
- Yours faithfully
- Yours truly
Note: if there is only one word in the close, then make sure you capitalise it. For example:
- Love
- Regards
- Sincerely
Make sure you don't make this mistake on test day