TOEFL Speaking Test - Section 1

TOEFL Speaking test - Section 1
In this section, you will have 15 seconds to prepare a topic and 45 seconds to speak about the topic. The topic is usually a personal question. You may make a few notes (keywords) if you wish.What is your favourite way of getting around your town or city? Describe it and explain why it is your favourite type of transportation.
Click here for a sample answer.
My favourite form of transportation is the train. My country has a very good train system, although it is becoming more and more expensive over the years. I have taken the train regularly for work when I worked far from home, and I have taken the train to go on holidays in my country and to other countries.
When I get on the train and find my seat I suddenly feel peaceful. I don't have to drive, and the train will take me where I want to go. I can read on the train or listen to music. I have never been able to work on the train, and I think that's good, because the train forces me to stop working and to relax.
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