IELTS Task 2: Writing your conclusion

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 2016 in IELTS Test

The conclusion in your Writing Task 2 essay should be quite short.  In most cases, the conclusion should only be one (1) sentence long.

I suggest always ending your answer with the words 'In conclusion,...', that way the examiner is very clear that you are concluding your answer.

Here are a few conclusions that you might find helpful:

In conclusion, it is quite clear that _______ (state your main point/opinion).

Eg: In conclusion, it is quite clear that the best time to learn a second language is when a person is young.

In conclusion, for the reasons stated, it is my conviction that that the advantages of _______ outweigh the disadvantages.

Eg: In conclusion, for the reasons stated, it is my conviction that the advantages of supermarkets outweigh the disadvantages.

In conclusion, ______________, and _______are my reasons for _______.

Eg: In conclusion, good health, a loving family, and having enough money is my definition of happiness.

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