Supporting your opinion in your IELTS, TOEFL or TOEIC test.

In your test, once you have read the question, you should aim to come up with three reasons or examples that support your position. If you cannot come up with at least three reasons then you should change sides.
Consider the following essay question:
How quickly can you come up with three opinions about success? Does success come from taking risks OR does it come from careful planning? Which side is easiest for you to support with reasons or examples? Depending on how easily you come up with ideas, that's the side you should focus your answer on.
Note: the examiners/raters are not marking you on your opinion. There is no right or wrong answer! What you are marked on is how well you support your opinion.
Post some of your ideas in relation to the question above. Consider how long it took you to come up with your opinions and ideas.
Consider the following essay question:
Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from?
How quickly can you come up with three opinions about success? Does success come from taking risks OR does it come from careful planning? Which side is easiest for you to support with reasons or examples? Depending on how easily you come up with ideas, that's the side you should focus your answer on.
Note: the examiners/raters are not marking you on your opinion. There is no right or wrong answer! What you are marked on is how well you support your opinion.
Post some of your ideas in relation to the question above. Consider how long it took you to come up with your opinions and ideas.