TOEFL Speaking - Section 2

In this part you have to speak for 45 seconds about a choice.
Look at the topic below for 15 seconds. You may make notes if you wish
Some people prefer a job with low pay but which fits with their values or gives them a lot of free time. Other people are looking for a high-paid job even if it does not leave them a lot of free time.
Which do you prefer, and why?
Click here for a sample answer:
Money makes the world go around is the saying. However, I don't think that money is everything in life. I am close to my family and I think I would prefer a job which I like to do but which leaves me free time to spend with my family. Of course, the job has to pay well enough for me to live on, paying for the necessities of a place to live, food, health care and some traveling.
For this reason I have always liked education. I believe that children are our future and I like teaching. But I also like the vacation time so that I will be able to travel and have time with my friends and family.