TOEFL Test - Preparation Tips

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 2017 in TOEFL Test

1. Understand the TOEFL format

Are you taking the iBT test (computer-based) or the paper test? Most countries use the computer test today, but find out which format you will be taking.

2. Study English Vocabulary

The TOEFL is an academic test, so you need to have strong English academic vocabulary. On, there are many vocabulary training tests.

3. Take practice tests

The Internet has many practice test websites.Go to the sites and take practice tests to familiarise yourself with the exam length and format. All four macro-skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) are tested on the TOEFL.

4. Use the official TOEFL website

Go to the official TOEFL website for the latest information about the test. There is an explanation of the test on the TOEFL website and some short practice materials.

5. Improve your general English

While it is important to study academic English, it is also vital to have a good knowledge of English in general. The TOEFL test assumes you already have a good knowledge of English grammar, that you understand a wide variety of accents and are preparing for university in an English-speaking country.
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