TOEIC Vocabulary - Do you know these words?

in TOEIC Test
There are vocabulary words which appear regularly on the TOEIC exam. Put the following 10 words in the correct sentences.
1. We put all of the bottles on a _______________ for storage.
2. The school organizes visits to the ________________ every year.
3. There is no way around the mountain so the engineers built a ______________.
4. According to the latest _______________, unemployment is rising around the world.
5. All small suitcases must go in the ______________ compartments.
6. The doctor recommended that I take a _________________ in the morning.
7. Our new plan includes __________________ data on all mobile devices.
8. My stock __________________ did well this year.
9. The manager wants to _________________ the office space.
10. Your computer will give an _______________ if a virus is found.
Click here for the correct answers:
1. We put all of the bottles on a rack for storage.
2. The school organizes visits to the zoo every year.
3. There is no way around the mountain so the engineers built a tunnel.
4. According to the latest statistics, unemployment is rising around the world.
5. All small suitcases must go in the overhead compartments.
6. The doctor recommended that I take a vitamin in the morning.
7. Our new plan includes unlimited data on all mobile devices.
8. My stock portfolio did well this year.
9. The manager wants to remodel the office space.
10. Your computer will give an alert if a virus is found.