TOEIC Reading - part 6

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,296 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

Read the following letter and choose the correct words to complete the sentences:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hanson,

We are please to be part of your overseas moving process. Your company, 1 Net, has hired us to ________________ you with all of the details. 

A. assistance
B. assist
C. assistant
D. assists

First, then, we need to know on what date you will be starting at the Zurich office. We will have installed all of your personal and professional ________________________ before this date.

A. belonging
B. belong
C. belongings
D. belongs

We also need to know details about your children: how old are they, what year are they in school. We need this information so that we can prepare their _____________________ in a Swiss school.

A. inscription
B. beginning
C. days
D. enrollment

Lastly, please let us know if you have any hobbies that you plan to continue in Zurich. We will try to find an __________________ which offers the same hobbies.

A. organisation
B. environment
C. assessment
D. alliance

Your move is important to us and we are available to answer any questions you might have!


A Plus Removals

Click here for the right answers:

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hanson,
We are please to be part of your overseas moving process. Your company, 1 Net, has hired us to assist you with all of the details. 
First, then, we need to know on what date you will be starting at the Zurich office. We will have installed all of your personal and professional belongings before this date.
We also need to know details about your children: how old are they, what year are they in school. We need this information so that we can prepare their enrollment in a Swiss school.
Lastly, please let us know if you have any hobbies that you plan to continue in Zurich. We will try to find an organisation which offers the same hobbies.
Your move is important to us and we are available to answer any questions you might have!
A Plus Removals

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