TOEIC Vocabulary - Do you know these words?

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

There are vocabulary words which appear regularly on the TOEIC exam. Put the following 10 words in the correct sentences.


1. The office is going to _______________ to the suburbs.
2. We bought our printer used, and it was a good ________________.
3. She likes to _______________ in the mountains every weekend.
4. The band goes on stage at _________________ on Saturday night.
5. This ________________ weather is quite depressing.
6. He has a personal fitness ______________ working with him at the club.
7. Could you check on the ________________ of spare parts for our machines?
8. Our workers work fewer hours yet ____________________ is increasing.
9. The software _____________________ will take four hours.
10. The breakfast is ____________________ at the hotel, so please take advantage of it.

Click here for the correct answers:

1. The office is going to relocate to the suburbs.
2. We bought our printer used, and it was a good bargain.
3. She likes to hike in the mountains every weekend.
4. The band goes on stage at midnight on Saturday night.
5. This rainy weather is quite depressing.
6. He has a personal fitness trainer working with him at the club.
7. Could you check on the availability of spare parts for our machines?
8. Our workers work fewer hours yet productivity is increasing.
9. The software installation will take four hours.
10. The breakfast is complimentary at the hotel, so please take advantage of it.

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