IELTS Academic Task 1: How to organise your answer

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
Have a look at the following Task 1 question.

How would you organise your response to this?  How many paragraphs would you write?

Well, the organising principle we recommend is this: Start with the highest/most to the lowest/least.  Get it?  Highest to lowest...not lowest to highest  B).

How many paragraphs?  Well, we would write five (5):

Paragraph 1- introduction
Paragraph 2 - Beaufort pie chart
Paragraph 3 - Westmont pie chart
Paragraph 4 - Whitford pie chart
Paragraph 5 - summary statement (video games generally greatest expense)

Once again, we'd like to reiterate: the organising principle is from the biggest to the smallest.  Always remember this when you begin to plan and write your IELTS Academic Task 1 answer.


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