Key #2 for TOEFL Reading Success

The TOEFL test can be taken either on paper or via a computer. Depending upon which version of the test you sit, you should do your practice reading mostly on paper or on a computer.
It is a fact that some people read more slowly on a computer than when text is printed on paper.
Even if you read at the same pace on both paper or computer screen, the process of reading is different.
On the iBT, you will see the passage on the right side of the screen with the questions on the left. If you are preparing for the ITP (Institutional Testing Program) you should practice reading texts on paper.
It is a fact that some people read more slowly on a computer than when text is printed on paper.
Even if you read at the same pace on both paper or computer screen, the process of reading is different.
On the iBT, you will see the passage on the right side of the screen with the questions on the left. If you are preparing for the ITP (Institutional Testing Program) you should practice reading texts on paper.