IELTS Task 1: Do I get a higher score if I write a lot over 150 words?

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 2016 in IELTS Test
Some students wonder if they will score higher by writing more than 150 words.

If you write, for example, 200 words would you get the higher score?  The score answer is no.

If you wrote 200+ words in your answer then it is possible that you took more than 20 minutes to complete your Task 1 response.  This is the first big problem!

The second problem is that you now have more opportunities to make more mistakes!  I always recommend my students to write as close to 150 words as possible.  You do not have time to count 150 words on test day, but most people write a similar number of words per line, so you should count lines.

I always recommend to my students that they practice on a copy of the 'official' test paper.  That way, they get used to how much they must write in order to be as close to 150 words as possible.

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