IELTS Task 1: Do you need to write a conclusion?

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 2018 in IELTS Test

Should your Academic Task 1 answer have a conclusion?

The short answer is no.

What you should write, however is a summary statement to conclude your answer.  In fact, I teach my students to end their Academic Task 1 answer with the words 'In summary,...'  It's okay to write this statement in the first paragraph as well. 

The summary should be a broad, general statement about one or two major points you can see in the graph, table or diagram.

Take a look at the following question and decide what the summary statement should be.

When you have decided on your own idea, have a look at my sample answer below.

In summary, it is quite clear that the most popular mode of goods transportation was via road.

For some more practice, go hereB)

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