IELTS Academic Task 1: Practice introduction

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
Read the introduction from an Academic Task 1 question:

Now, using the words from the question, write an introduction to a Writing Task 1 answer. 
NB: Your introduction should be a paraphrase of the words written in the question.

When you have tried, click our answer below to see a suitable paraphrased introduction.

Original Question


The graph below

The line graph

shows the demand for electricity in England

shows how much power is used in England

during typical days in winter and summer.

on ordinary winter and summer days.

The pie chart shows

The pie chart reveals

how electricity is used

how the electricity is used

in an average English home

in a typical English household.

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