TOEIC Grammar Basics - What is an interjection?

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

What is an indirect object?

An interjection is a small word in a sentence that carries meaning without being an actual part of the sentence.

For example:

Ouch, I just hit my finger!
I, well, I guess I don't really know him.
Hey! Are you going to class or not?
I'm sorry to say this, but the dog was hit by a car, alas.

Notice that in each case, the word in italics adds meaning to the sentence, but can be removed from the sentence because it is unnecessary.

Select the interjection in each of the following sentences:

Uh, are you sure this is the right house?
Ah-ha! I knew I would win!
There is, um, a small problem with your payment.
Hello, is there anyone awake yet?

Click below for the correct answers:

Uh, are you sure this is the right house?
Ah-ha! I knew I would win!
There is, um, a small problem with your payment.
Hello, is there anyone awake yet?

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