TOEFL Speaking - section 1

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

TOEFL Speaking test - section 1

In this section, you will have 15 seconds to prepare a topic and 45 seconds to speak about the topic. The topic is usually a personal question. You may make a few notes (keywords) if you wish.

Topic: Discuss an achievement in your life. What steps did you take to reach your goal?

Click here for a sample answer:

I have always enjoyed making things. A friend said that he had built his own computer, so I decided to try myself. I did a lot of research into the different parts, consulted forums and magazines. At first there was too much information, but eventually I made my choices and waited for the parts to be delivered.

I was nervous putting it all together, but I followed the instructions. I was very happy when I put it all together, turned it on, and it worked!

Today I do repairs on computers for friends and of course I maintain my own computer. I learned through the experience how computers work and I am proud of myself for this achievement.

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