How is the TOEFL different from the IELTS?

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

How is the TOEFL different from the IELTS?

Many students ask this question when they want to study overseas. Which test is better?

In fact, neither test is either easier or better than the other one. Here are a few points to consider, though:

The TOEFL is an American test, created in America (by Educational Testing Services, ETS) and accepted for entrance to American universities. If you are applying to an American university and English is not your native language, the university will ask for your TOEFL test results. The language is North American English (some vocabulary and expressions are different between American English and British English).

The IELTS exam is created by Cambridge English Language Assessment primarily for university entrance to UK universities and other countries which use Received Pronunciation and Standard English. Universities in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, for example, prefer the IELTS exam. The language used is a variety of native English accents, and the spelling is UK style.

Both tests have required listening and reading sections, at a university level. 

Both exams are rigorously tested to give an accurate assessment of the test-taker's level. If you are applying to university, it is best to contact that university in order to know which test the university prefers.
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