TOEIC Reading - Question types

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

You need to be familiar with all of the types of questions you will find on the TOEIC Reading 

Section 5 - Incomplete Sentences

In this section you will have 40 sentences which you need to complete with the correct word or words. Often they are variations of the same word (true, truly, truth, truthful) or grammar questions (phrasal verbs, usage). Know your English grammar in order to do well on this section!

Section 6 - Text Completion

Here you have several short texts (usually 4 - 5) which have missing words (12). You need to choose the right word according to the context of the text. The texts can be memos, emails, instructions, letters, etc. Study business vocabulary for this section. 

Section 7 - Reading comprehension

Reading comprehension is divided into single passages (28 questions) and double passages (20 questions). You will be given a passage and several comprehension questions. The comprehension questions can ask about facts from the readings, or ask you to compare information from two readings (an email and its response, for example). To do well, read a lot, and understand what you read.

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