Can you speak about these IELTS/TOEFL/TOEIC topics?

Here are some topics that you may be asked to speak about in your IELTS, TOEFL or TOEIC speaking test. Could you speak about them for 30-45 seconds or more?
- Talk about your favourite tree.
- What makes a good roommate?
- Talk about a most important invention.
- Describe an ideal friend.
- What qualities make a perfect husband or wife?
- Describe your ideal job.
- What makes a good parent?
- Talk about your favourite holiday.
- Describe the most important quality for success.
- Talk about the best gift you ever received.
- Describe a perfect vacation.
- Talk about your favourite colour.
- Describe your favourite teacher.
Think about how you would respond to these questions. Write some of your ideas in the comments boxes below.
You should have a plan for each question you are asked. Commit a plan to memory so that each time you are asked a question, you have a default reaction:
1. First, give your answer.
2. Next, give details about why you chose that answer.
3. If you need to extend your answer, try to give an example from personal experience.
Let's consider the first topic above (Talk about your favourite tree) and how the above pattern would work.
1. My favourite tree is the Lady Palm or rhapis excelsa.
2. The reason I like this palm is because it grows in tropical environments and I love tropical, warm climates.
3. When I was a child, my mother planted one of these palms in a pot on our veranda. It is a slow-growing palm and over many years I noticed that the palm slowly grew bigger and bigger. My mother kept watering and fertilising it and it grew to be a very nice feature. Visitors who came to our house often commented that they liked the palm; my mother was quite proud of it!
Now that you have read a sample using the 3-step method, why not write some of your own ideas in the comments boxes below. This will be a great help for all our fellow test-takers.