TOEIC Grammar Basics - What is a conjunction?

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2016 in Grammar

What is a conjunction?

A conjunction joins two parts in a sentence. Any two words can be joined using conjunctions.

For example:

Bob and Jane are coming to either lunch or dinner this week-end.
It rains a lot in Seattle but it doesn't snow as much as in Buffalo.
She has problems at work, yet I always see her smiling.
I can't go to the meeting, so please send me an email with the minutes.
They don't like working overtime nor do they like the new contract.
She goes to the park every day at lunch, for her favorite activity is walking in nature.

These are the seven coordinating conjunctions 

Coordinating Conjunctions
andAdds two (or more) things
butContrasts two (or more) things
forGives a reason
orGives a choice between two (or more) things
norAdds a negative idea to another negative idea
soGives a reason or an effect
yetContrasts two ideas
Now, identify the coordinating conjunctions in the following sentences:

He has never been to England, yet he speaks English very well.
Human Resources and IT support are both moving to the new location.
This new project is important, so you will need to make it a priority.
People are boycotting the store, but its stock price keeps rising.

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He has never been to England, yet he speaks English very well.
Human Resources and IT support are both moving to the new location.
This new project is important, so you will need to make it a priority.
People are boycotting the store, but its stock price keeps rising.

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