IELTS Life Skills Test: UK

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2016 in IELTS Test

What is the IELTS Life Skills test?

The following points are a summary of the main parts of the IELTS Life Skills test.

The IELTS Life Skills test:

- is for people who want to live in the UK and who do not have English as their first language.

- tests how well a person can communicate in English.

- tests listening and speaking only.

- is taken with two people - it cannot be taken alone.

- contains four parts or 'phases':

  • Phase 1a: The examiner asks you/your partner some simple questions about each of you (4-5 minutes).
  • Phase 1b: The examiner gives you/your partner two different topics and you must ask questions to your partner about that topic (e.g.,: 'school' and 'the weather') (5 minutes).
  • Phase 2a: You must listen to two short recordings on a CD and the examiner asks questions about what you listened to (4 minutes).
  • Phase 2b: You must have a conversation with your partner about a topic given to you by the examiner (3-4 minutes).

Common topics you may encounter in the IELTS Life Skills test:

work, family, friends, the weather, housing, transport, free time, schooling/education, friends, etc.

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