TOEFL Speaking - section 2

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,298 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
In the second TOEFL speaking section, you have 15 seconds to read a topic and prepare (you may take notes), and then you need to speak for 45 seconds about the topic. Read the following topic and then speak about it for 45 seconds.

There are people who prefer group work and team projects, while other people prefer to work alone on an individual project. What is your opinion and give an example from your life.

Click below for two possible answers:

Working with other people is an opportunity to exchange ideas, the principle of many hands making work lighter. A large project can be divided into smaller pieces, and each person can decide what part of the project he or she likes best. All of these ideas can then be combined to make for a better overall project. Working on a team also means not letting your teammates down. We work harder because we are working with other people who encourage us. I remember planning a party for my youth group. One person was in charge of the food, another person the entertainment, another the decorations of the room. We worked together to make the party a success.

Being alone means that I am in control of every aspect of the project. I can work at my own rhythm without worrying about other people. I don't have to wait for someone else to give me information or to do his or her work. I don't have to take the time to go to meetings or to communicate with other people. When I feel like working on the project, I do so. For one year's Science Fair project, I did a model of a Mars colony. I read some articles, then created the model with the materials that I had at home. My parents offered to help me but I did the project by myself, and won a medal at the Science Fair. I was proud that I had the idea and did the work on my own. 

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