Scott's English Success Writing Feedback Service

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

To help maximise your IELTS Writing Band Score, we have a Writing Task feedback service for Premium subscribers*. 

Our service includes:

1. Reading and analysing your Writing Task 1 and Writing Task 2 responses (one of each).

2. Feedback based on the 4 criteria given by IELTS (see the Noticeboard area at for more information on the 4 criteria).

3. Our personalised feedback.

4. An approximate Band Score for each Task response you submit.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Choose a Task to write about from one of the Scott’s English Practice Lab > Writing Tests (we cannot accept Tasks from other sources).

2. Type your Task response in an email (no attachments).

3. In the email Subject, include your Scott’s English username and the exact Writing Task (eg: Subject: myusername — Lab 8, Task 1)

4. Send to

Note:  On test day you will be writing your answer by hand.  We therefore strongly recommend that you write your IELTS task by hand (under exam conditions), noting down the time it took to complete the task. Then type up your answer exactly as you wrote it, and email it to us.

Want to see a sample? 

Click on our samples (Academic and General Training Task 1, Task 2) below to see what our feedback looks like.

We look forward to helping you to improve your writing!

*Premium subscriptions MUST be active in order to qualify for the Writing Task feedback. Expired accounts will not be accepted. You may send 1 x Task 1 and 1 x Task 2.

Want feedback but NOT a student?  Then please go here.

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