DAYS 1-10: Scott's English PLUS Suggested Study Guide

Days 1-10 Suggested Study Guide
Enrol at Scott's English PLUS here:
The following study schedule is given as a guide to help you work through the many skill-building practice exercises on our site.
Day |
Activity |
WELCOME to a higher score on your English test! Watch the Student Centre welcome videos. Become familiar with the learning tools available on the course. Watch all the videos and become familiar with all the learning tools.
Complete the first 5 sets of Listening Comprehension tool. Speaking: Start the Choose the Correct Response tool; complete the first 5 sets. Pronunciation Improvement: Start the Read Aloud tool; complete the first 5 sets. |
Start the Reading Comprehension tool; complete the first 5 sets. Skill building: Start the Scan and Find tool; complete the first 2 sets. Writing: Start the Identify the Topic tool; complete the first 5 sets. Start the Respond to a Problem or Issue tool; complete the first 5 sets. Skill building: Start the Improve Your Punctuation tool; complete the first 5 sets.
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Further/Independent Study: Identify areas of weakness and search them on - create topics of discussion/ask a question - teacher support and help via |
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Go to ‘My Account’ and check your progress so far. Look for any weak areas you need to work on. Post any questions/concerns you have at
Listening: Complete the next 5 sets of the Listening Comprehension learning tool. Begin the Numbers and Figures learning tool. Complete the first 5 sets.
Speaking: Continue with the Choose the Correct Response learning tool; complete the next 5 sets. Pronunciation Improvement: Continue with the Read Aloud learning tool; complete the next 5 sets. |
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Reading: Complete the next 5 sets of the Reading Comprehension learning tool. Skill building: Continue with the Scan and Find learning tool; complete sets 3 & 4.
Writing: Continue with the Identify the Topic learning tool; complete the next 5 sets. Continue with the Respond to a Problem or Issue learning tool; complete the next 5 sets. Skill building: Continue with the Improve Your Punctuation learning tool; complete the next 5 sets. Skill building: Start the Improve Your Spelling learning tool; complete the first 5 sets.
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Further/Independent Study: Identify areas of weakness and search them on - create topics of discussion/ask a question - teacher support and help |
8 |
Listening: Challenge yourself today! Complete the next 10 sets of the Listening Comprehension learning tool. Complete 5 more sets of the Numbers and Figures learning tool.
Speaking: Continue with the Choose the Correct Response learning tool; complete the next 5 sets. Pronunciation Improvement: Continue with the Read Aloud learning tool; complete the next 5 sets. |
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Reading: Complete the next 10 sets of the Reading Comprehension learning tool. Skill building: Continue with the Scan and Find learning tool; complete set 5. Suggestion: go back and try this learning tool again - see if you can increase your speed!
Writing: Continue with the Identify the Topic learning tool; complete the next 5 sets. Continue with the Respond to a Problem or Issue learning tool; complete the next 5 sets. Skill building: Continue with the Improve Your Punctuation learning tool; complete the next 5 sets. Skill building: Continue with the Improve Your Spelling learning tool; complete the next 5 sets.
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Listening: Complete next 10 sets of Listening Comprehension tool. Review Listening exercises at Complete 5 more sets of the Numbers and Figures tool.
Speaking: Continue with the Choose the Correct Response tool; complete the next 5 sets. Pronunciation Improvement: Continue with the Read Aloud tool; complete the next 5 sets. |
Click here for days 11-20 |
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