Rise vs. Raise

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 2016 in Vocabulary

How can you make the distinction between rise and raise?

"Rise" is an intransitive verb, that is, it does take an object. For example, The bread rises. 

It is irregular: rise, rose, risen

On the other hand, "raise" is transitive, it takes an object. For example, Please raise your hand if you have a question.

It is regular: raise, raised, raised

See table below:

The buildingsrisehigh into the sky where? - NOT an object
The bucketraisesthe bricks what? - object

Now, do the following exercises with "rise" and "raise".

1. The sun also __________________  .

a. rises
b. raises

2. __________________ early in the morning is a good work habit.

a. Rising
b. Raising

3. They _____________________ the flag to announce the winner of the race.

a. rose
b. raised

Click below for the right answers

1. The sun also rises. 

Rising early in the morning is a good work habit.

They raised the flag to announce the winner of the race.

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