Computer-Delivered IELTS Vs Paper-Based IELTS

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 2020 in IELTS Test

Many test centers around the world offer two versions of the test:

1. a computer-delivered version; and

2. a paper-based version.

The most important point to understand regardless of what format you choose: the contect of both tests are exactly the same.

There are, obviously, some differences in relation to delivery and they are listed here:

  • on one you used a pencil, on the other you use a keyboard.
  • There is a slight difference with the computer-delivered listening test: instead of getting 10 minutes to transfer your answers, you have 2 minutes to check your answers.  This means the computer-delivered IELTS listening test is between 30–34 minutes.
  • As far as the writing test, if you are a faster typer than a hand writer that could be an advantage.
  • The Speaking test is always face-to-face with a certified IELTS Examiner.

All the best for your IELTS test!

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