Cambridge Writing Task 2 - Email, Article or Report

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭

Cambridge Writing Task 2

In this task, you have to write 140 - 190 words as either an answer to an email, an article based on a given title, or a report with suggestions on how to write it.

This example is an answer to an email.

Subject: Pets

Hello co-workers,

For our yearly newsletter, we are collecting stories about pets. Do you have a pet? Or someone in your family? Could you please write us a few lines about the pet?

Thank you!

Sabrina, Human Resources

Click here for a sample response.

Hi Sabrina,

I haven't had a pet since I was young, but my brothers both have pets.

My brother adopted a greyhound that had had a racing career. She was a big dog and very lean and fast. She liked to sleep in a cage in the living room and her treat was to lick their ice cream bowls after dinner!

I remember my brother telling me how much he enjoyed taking her out for her walk after dinner. It was half an hour of exercise for both of them. He used the time to think about his day, and of course the dog just liked to go out. I walked her a few times as well, and once I even found money on the ground.

The dog lived a long, happy life with my brother and it was a very sad day when she finally died. For the moment, he has not adopted another dog but I think he will - and another greyhound!



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