TOEIC Grammar - Choose the right words

Choose the right words for the following letter
30-2 New English Road
Shanghai, China
Daniel Whiteside
32 Portsmouth Road
Toronto CA
re: razor return
Dear Mr Dupont,
We recently received your reclamation for a __________________________ for a razor that we manufacture, claiming that the razor
A. reversal
B. retrieval
C. reimbursement
D. reinstatement
was malfunctioning.
Our technical staff tested the razor here at our workshop and, _____________________ what you wrote in your letter, found that the
A. unlike
B. contrary
C. but
D. however
razor works fine.
When you tested the razor, did you move the small black switch to 110 volts, the standard in Canada and the United States, or did you ________________________ leave it on the factory preset of 200 volts, the standard in Asia and Europe? This may explain why the
A. purposefully
B. intentionally
C. reluctantly
D. accidentally
razor did not work properly for you.
Please find enclosed the razor and a discount coupon of 10% off any future purchase.
Yours sincerely,
Lee Chew-Wan, technical supervisor
Click here for the correct answers.
30-2 New English Road
Shanghai, China
Daniel Whiteside
32 Portsmouth Road
Toronto CA
re: razor return
Dear Mr Dupont,
We recently received your reclamation for a reimbursement for a razor that we manufacture, claiming that the razor was malfunctioning.
Our technical staff tested the razor here at our workshop and, unlike what you wrote in your letter, found that the razor works fine.
When you tested the razor, did you move the small black switch to 110 volts, the standard in Canada and the United States, or did you accidentally leave it on the factory preset of 200 volts, the standard in Asia and Europe? This may explain why the
razor did not work properly for you.
Please find enclosed the razor and a discount coupon of 10% off any future purchase.
Yours sincerely,
Lee Chew-Wan, technical supervisor