TOEIC Grammar - Choose the right words

Choose the correct words for the following email.
To: Tabatha KwonFrom: Cheryl Lu
Re: access to your new parking
Dear Ms Kwon,
As _____________ next week, you will have a parking upgrade which corresponds to your new managerial position.
A. of
B. in
C. to
D. by
You are eligible to park in the new parking ______________________ next to the main building where you work. However,
A. road
B. garage
C. centre
D. roundabout
you will need to come by our office and pick up your badge in order to have access to your new parking space. Our office is open during regular business hours, and for your _______________________, you can even come at lunchtime when we will be happy to
A. conveniently
B. converse
C. convenience
D. convenient
deliver your new badge.
Congratulations on your new position!
Cheryl Lu
Click here for the correct answers.
To: Tabatha Kwon
From: Cheryl Lu
Re: access to your new parking
Dear Ms Kwon,
As of next week, you will have a parking upgrade which corresponds to your new managerial position.
You are eligible to park in the new parking garage next to the main building where you work. However,
you will need to come by our office and pick up your badge in order to have access to your new parking space. Our office is open during regular business hours, and for your convenience, you can even come at lunchtime when we will be happy to
deliver your new badge.
Congratulations on your new position!
Cheryl Lu