ever, never

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,296 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 2019 in Grammar

The Confusing Ever and Never

We recently received the sentence, "I have ever been in a foreign country. I studied for a month in London."

We applaud the student's desire to study abroad, but the first sentence is incorrect. It should read, "I have been in a foreign country."

There is a rule which defines the use of "ever" and "never".

"Ever" is used in questions, such as, "Have you ever won any money?"

The answer is either, "Yes, I have won money." (no "ever"), or "No, I have never won any money", or "No, I haven't ever won any money."

"Ever" cannot be used in a positive sentence.

Which word is correct in the following sentences?

1. I have _______________ been to Dubai, but I would like to go.

2. Have you ______________ seen a bear in the wild?

3. She has ______________ seen a lot of snakes recently.

4. They haven't ______________ tasted better fish than on the seashore!

5. Have you _________________ heard such a wonderful song?

Click here for the correct answers.

1. I have never been to Dubai, but I would like to go.

2. Have you ever seen a bear in the wild?

3. She has seen a lot of snakes recently.

4. They haven't ever tasted better fish than on the seashore!

5. Have you ever heard such a wonderful song?

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