TOEFL Speaking - Section 2

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,296 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited December 2018 in TOEFL Test

In this part you have to speak for 45 seconds about a choice.

Look at the topic below for 15 seconds. You may make notes if you wish

Some people say teenagers do not need mobile phones, others say that mobile phones are an important part of modern life. Have mobile phones been a benefit for teenagers? 

     Preparation Time: 15 seconds
     Response Time: 45 seconds

You should speak for 45 seconds.

Click here for a sample response:

Everywhere we look we see teenagers using their mobile phones. They don't just use them to make phone calls, they use them for social media, to play games, for entertainment such as movies, music, and videos.

I think that mobile phones are bad for teenagers. Many teenagers sleep with their telephones, just in case they receive a message at night. This disturbs their sleep. Teenagers use telephones in the hallways of their high schools, or during lunch, and on public transportation. In fact, they seem to be always using their telephones. 

Teenagers need to spend less time with their telephones and more time in face-to-face conversation or reading books and magazines. Reading on a telephone is not the same as reading paper.

That is why I think telephones are bad for teenagers.

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