TOEFL / IELTS Vocabulary

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,301 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited June 2018 in TOEFL Test

There are vocabulary words which appear regularly on the TOEFL/IELTS exam. Put the following 10 words in the correct sentences.


1. The trade war started with a _______________ of tariffs on consumer goods.
2. The bridge is in need of extensive repairs or it may __________________.
3. The date for the party was well-chosen, ________________ some people will not come.
4. There is an _______________ investigation into the former CEO's accounts.
5. The unexpected loss of her parents sank her into a moderate ____________________.
6. In the trial, a lawyer ______________ an earlier decision to prove her case.
7. The ___________________ handyman in the building is afraid to change a light bulb.
8. Our latest product was _________________ on a napkin in a local coffee shop.
9. Since the competitor has lowered prices, we have had to do ___________________.
10. Her ___________________ gave her a party when she retired.

Click here for the correct answers.

1. The trade war started with a levy of tariffs on consumer goods.
2. The bridge is in need of extensive repairs or it may collapse.
3. The date for the party was well-chosen, nonetheless some people will not come.
4. There is an ongoing investigation into the former CEO's accounts.
5. The unexpected loss of her parents sank her into a moderate depression.
6. In the trial, a lawyer invoked an earlier decision to prove her case.
7. The so-called handyman in the building is afraid to change a light bulb.
8. Our latest product was conceived on a napkin in a local coffee shop.
9. Since the competitor has lowered prices, we have had to do likewise.
10. Her colleagues gave her a party when she retired.

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