Task 1: Collocations.

IELTS Task 1: Collocation Exercise
Collocation is when a word or phrase that is often used with another word or phrase, in a way that sounds correct to people who have spoken the language all their lives.
Collocation is when a word or phrase that is often used with another word or phrase, in a way that sounds correct to people who have spoken the language all their lives.
In IELTS Academic Task 1, you may be asked to describe a line graph. There are some words listed below that are very common to these kinds of exercises.
Can you identify which adjective collocates/goes with which noun?
Think about the IELTS graphs you have seen/done so far. Can you add the correct noun with the adjectives below?
Common Task 1 nouns: number, price, percentage, amount, level, total, figure |
Adjectives: |
high |
large |
great |
significant |
low |
least |
Once you have attempted to match the correct nouns with the correct adjective, check your answers with ours

Adjective |
high large great significant low least
number, price, percentage, level, figure number, percentage, amount, figure number, amount, number, amount, level number, amount, level number, amount |
low price
great percentage
large amount
significant figure
least total
We don't say 'great percentage', 'significant figure' or 'least total'.
We say 'high percentage', 'significant amount' and 'large total.