
TOEIC Vocabulary - Do you know these words?

ScottsEnglishScottsEnglish Administrator Posts: 1,296 admin ✭✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 2018 in TOEIC Test

There are vocabulary words which appear regularly on the TOEIC exam. Put the following 10 words in the correct sentences.


1. People in the South of the United States pride themselves on their _______________________.
2. What ____________________ of film do you want to watch tonight?
3. She gave me some of her _____________________ apple butter.
4. John Goddard was a famous American _________________________.
5. Meet me in the ____________________ at 3 for volleyball practice.
6. The Senate has ______________ voted an increase in taxes.
7. What type of ____________________ are you taking on your trip to Algeria?
8. The game requires quick movements; no _________________ is possible.
9. She gave a _________________ description of the historical figure.
10. The band had two popular songs and is now a _________________ on the oldies' circuit.

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1. People in the South of the United States pride themselves on their hospitality.
2. What genre of film do you want to watch tonight?
3. She gave me some of her homemade apple butter.
4. John Goddard was a famous American explorer.
5. Meet me in the gymnasium at 3 for volleyball practice.
6. The Senate has hereby voted an increase in taxes.
7. What type of footwear are you taking on your trip to Algeria?
8. The game requires quick movements; no hesitation is possible.
9. She gave a factual description of the historical figure.
10. The band had two popular songs and is now a fixture on the oldies' circuit.

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